
Friday 2 February 2018

Gaudy Night Mystery, Suspense, Thrill, Adventure Novel Written by Dorothy Leigh Sayers PDF Download

Gaudy Night Mystery, Suspense, Thrill, Adventure Novel Written by Dorothy Leigh Sayers PDF Download

Author Name:         Dorothy Leigh Sayers
Publisher:           Gollancz
Publication date:    1935

Gaudy Night Mystery, Suspense, Thrill, Adventure Novel Written by Dorothy Leigh Sayers

 Harriet Vane sat at her writing-table and stared out into Mecklenburg Square. The late tulips made a brave show in the Square garden, and a quartet of early tennis-players were energetically calling the score of a rather erratic and unpractised game. But Harriet saw neither tulips nor tennis-players. A letter lay open on the blotting-pad before her, but its image had faded from her mind to make way for another picture. She saw a stone quadrangle, built by a modern architect in a style
neither new nor old, but stretching out reconciling hands to past and present. Folded within its walls lay a trim grass plot, with flower-beds splashed at the angles, and surrounded by a wide stone plinth. Behind the level roofs of Cotswold slate rose the brick chimneys of an older and less formal pile of buildings--a quadrangle also of a kind, but.. . . . .  . . . . .

For more reading please download the book in pdf :

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