
Monday 5 February 2018

Fifty Shades Trilogy Erotic Romance Written by E. L. James Novel PDF Download

Fifty Shades Trilogy Erotic Romance Written by  E. L. James Novel PDF Download


Fifty Shades Trilogy Erotic Romance Written by  E. L. James Novel

Author Name:         E. L. James
Publisher:           Vintage Books
Published:         2011–2017

Mommy!    Mommy! Mommy    is    asleep    on the    floor.    She    has    been asleep    for    a    long    time. I    brush    her    hair because    she    likes    that. She    doesn’t    wake    up.    I shake    her.    Mommy! My    tummy    hurts.    It    is hungry.    He    isn’t    here.    I am    thirsty.    In    the kitchen    I    pull    a    chair    to
the    sink,    and    I    have    a drink.    The    water splashes    over    my    blue sweater.    Mommy    is still    asleep.    Mommy wake    up!    She    lies    still. She    is    cold.    I    fetch    my blankie,    and    I    cover Mommy,    and    I    lie down    on    the    sticky green    rug    beside    her. Mommy    is    still    asleep. I    have    two    toy    cars.

For more reading please download the book in pdf :

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